

Monday, 7th July 2025


15:00 - 17:00

1. class

18:00 - 19:45

2. class

20:00 - 21:30


Tuesday, 8th July 2025

3. class 9:30 - 11:15
4. class 11:30 -  13:00
5. class 16:30 - 18:15


Wednesday, 9th July 2025

6. class 10:30 - 12:15
7. class 12:30 - 14:00


MTP Movement! M - Movement, T - Technique and P - Passion with dancers from all over the world in the center of Europe in Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia. Matevž Česen, Tian Ćehić and Petra Ravbar, together with the Bolero Dance Center are traditionally preparing three days full of dance for the fifth time in a row, which you will never forget. From Monday to Wednesday, you will be treated to 7 new, fresh and completely different dance choreographies. Three days will be enough to feel Slovenia. Spend your summer dance vacation in sLOVEnia on the sunny side of the Alps, where you can also roll in the snow in the high mountains in summer, while at the other end of this green country, surrender to the sea waves in the hot Mediterranean sun. Live your own dance summer fairy tale.


The price of the MTP Movement Summer Intensive 2025 is €220 per dancer. The location of the event remains the beautiful Austria Trend hotel.


* 7 classes (jazz dance, contemporary, commercial, modern, lyrical)

* Bolero event

* MTP party

* professional photos and videos from all classes + behind the scenes footage

* refreshment corner (water, fruit)

* dance shop (NEW MTP MERCH)

* every first class of the day will start with warm-up, technique and choreography

* all classes with different, fresh and new choreography and dance moves

* be prepared for new surprises

* socializing with dancers from all over the world while walking through the center of fairytale Ljubljana

* possibility of excursions around Slovenia

* air-conditioned and modern ballrooms of the Bolero Dance Center and the Austria Trend Hotel

* Instagram private group - click the page for all information (photo, schedule, video, gatherings...)


Dunajska cesta 49, 1000 Ljubljana


Office hours:

Monday - Friday 10:00 - 19:00


Tel: 01 512 0 512

Mob: 040 322 522






© 2025 Bolero. Vse pravice pridržane.